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Price: $75
FOR 60 Days
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Price from $0 to 59
$10 - $74
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Posting more than one job? Buy in Bulk

Why POST with us?

Good Food Jobs was created to help passionate people find work that they love doing.

Since then, we've been working overtime to make sure our site is a useful resource for both job seekers and job posters - and the many uncategorized users in between who visit GFJ to see what's new in the food industry, research great companies that are making strides to improve the health of our planet, or learn and connect with us.

Our Post a Job form is customized with advice and insight to help you write the best job description, and reach the best candidates. Still have questions? You can contact us at any time.


buy the 'Handful' job package
5 Jobs$65 each
buy the 'Bunch' job package
10 Jobs$55 each
buy the 'Bushel' job package
15 Jobs$45 each

*All packages are valid for 12 months.

All jobs remain live for 60 days, and can be extended as needed. When you purchase a bulk package, your job credits will be automatically applied at checkout. You can manage your jobs and job packages anytime under My Account. Questions? We are here to help.

Behind the scenes

Once your job is posted, you can view the number of people who have looked at your job and clicked on the application link. If you fill your position, you can mark the job post as such so that you don't have to deal with unwanted applications. And you can edit your job at any time, free of charge.

Refund policy

Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. Request a refund now.

Review Process

When you post your opportunity, it will be personally reviewed by Taylor or Dorothy, co-founders of Good Food Jobs, to be sure that it complies with our editorial policy, and to catch any typos that you might have missed. If you have questions, you can email us and receive a response from a real, live human (Taylor or Dorothy again!) within 24 hours.

Review Process

Need to chat over the phone? Send us your number and your time zone, and we'll call you. We also offer free trials, discounts for farmers and nonprofits, and a full refund if you're unsatisfied with the number of applicants.

frequently asked questions

  • How do I post a job?

    First, create your free account: click on the My Account button and enter your email and password. Once you confirm your email address, you can click on the Post a Job link from any page and select the option that fits your job opening. After you have filled out the job posting form, you can preview and revise it before you checkout. 

  • Can I edit my post after it’s been published?

    Yes, indeed. You can edit a job after we approve it by clicking My Account and selecting Job Listings from the dropdown menu. Click on the job title of the position you wish to edit, and you will find yourself on the Preview page. Click Edit in the top left corner to make your changes, and the Preview page will show you the updated job post. If you're still having trouble, email us at info (at) goodfoodjobs (dot) com. 

  • What kind of response to my job posting should I anticipate?

    179,444 users are registered with Good Food Jobs. We target job seekers with passion, integrity, and a desire to enact positive change. That's why our claim to fame is 'quality over quantity'. You may not get a slew of immediate responses, but within a couple of weeks you should have heard only from applicants that you would be willing to interview.

    If you don’t find the right candidate through Good Food Jobs, please let us know so we can offer advice, boost your listing, or issue your refund. 

  • Can I re-post a job description that I used in the past?

    You sure can. Go to My Account in the top right corner of any page and click on Job Listings. Click on the job title of the position you'd like to renew. Once on the Preview page, click the red Replicate button at the top right to make any desired edits. Once you reach the Preview page, click the Post This Job button at the top right and proceed to checkout with your new job. 

  • What happens if my listing expires and I haven’t found the right person yet?

    Deadlines can be hard to meet, and we are happy to extend the expiration date for your current job posting at any time. If you'd like to re-post a recently expired listing because you didn't receive any responses, let us know and we'll do that for you free of charge.