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I love this website! The interviews are sooo stimulating, exciting, positive and inspirational!
Ellen, GFJ Fan
I continue to peruse your site. It is the only one that makes my soul happy!
Ricki, Job Seeker
I just wanted to thank you and Good Food Jobs for what you are doing! I have my current job because of your postings and I LOVE IT!
Leanne, GFJ Success Story
Week after week, I feel as if you're writing these messages directly to me! It's uncanny how much I can relate.
Deniz, Job Seeker
GFJ is the first place I go when looking for a job and you always have exceptional options!
Ori, Job Seeker
I found my first job in NYC through your site, and I'll be forever thankful for that foot in the door.
Katie, Job Seeker
I have applied for three jobs on your site, and have been lucky enough to get all three - I love you guys. I constantly refer people to you. So thanks.
Peter, Job Seeker
GFJ is my go-to recommendation for anyone who expresses interest in finding a new job or trying to get into food work. Thank you to you and your team for being so awesome.
Lyssa, GFJ Success Story
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful words of wandering wisdom in this week's newsletter. They simply could not resonate more soundly for me!  I have been looking to connect the dots and am anxiously awaiting that often talked about light at the end of the tunnel. I'm embracing the journey, indeed. Checking new postings on GFJ has become a daily routine...Or more recently a routine practiced multiple times per day. Thanks so much for making me feel that I'm not alone in my wallowing.
Arianna, Job Seeker
Dear amazing crew! This platform is inspiring in many different ways. Thank you for existing!
Niina, Job Seeker
What wonderful folks you attract and connect.
Shana, Job Poster
It was a highly functional joy to work with y'all.
Sara, Gastrognome
Good Food Jobs is one of the most remarkable assets we have, not just for its practical purpose but for the spirit and energy it inspires about our collective work. We deeply admire the resource you've personally created for all of us. So thank you. Not sure how often people tell you that. Often, I hope.
Olivia, Job Poster
Thank you for a great service! I received dozens of applicants for my educational internship opening and my new hire begins in just a few days. I'm delighted with the very high quality of applications I received and will definitely use you again.
Cathy, Job Poster
I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful approach to what you do. We really appreciate it.
Leah, Food Professional
I'm very grateful to you all. I found my first agricultural employment through you, and now I am proud to be posting a new job through your website.
Taylor, Job Poster
What a wonderful bunch of people to work with! We are hiring like mad right now and Good Food Jobs really helped us tap into the food lovers we want. Not to mention they would find little mistakes we made in our posts and let us know right away. I would recommend this site to any one trying to hire some awesome food-lovin' folks. Thank You Good Food Jobs!
Alison, Job Poster
Every single person I've hired has come to us from GFJ, and they've all been amazing.
Lisa, Job Poster
We ended up hiring a great person for the job and she found us through Good Food Jobs! She's already made a huge difference and has built an education garden and organized lots of free field trips that get kids outside experiencing nature.
Emma, Job Poster
I am very, very pleased with the quality of candidates that have applied for my position. I have great ones to choose from and am very grateful that I found your site. Thank you!
Max, Job Poster
Another on-point, relevant and life-giving blog. Just want to say thank you.
Susan, GFJ Fan
I've been following your site since it launched and am so inspired by the community you've cultivated.
Rachel, GFJ Fan
Even though I'm happy in my GFJ and not looking for anything else, I love reading your newsletter and basking in the refreshing burst of sunshine it brings to my day.
Becky, GFJ Success Story
Thank you for that ignited spark of inspiration and thank you for your wise words and your genuine love of food and the world and finding the invisible synapses where we can share messages and all connect. 
Emily, GFJ Fan
Your site does such a good job of capturing the current energy and interest around food and food justice issues.
Matt, GFJ Fan
A past employee suggested I check out Good Food Jobs. I have been on the site 15 minutes and think you are the coolest partnership/company/thinkers/doers I have seen in a long time.
Michael, Fan
I love my job and am not seeking a new one, but I will always stay subscribed to your newsletter; seriously, seriously beautiful work, and you always seem to put into words exactly how I'm feeling and what I need to hear each week. 
Dina, GFJ Fan
That was my favorite newsletter yet, and exactly the feelings I was having this week. You are an inspirational mind reader. The new layout is also superb and genius. Basically, you both are are rock stars.
Kathryn, Newsletter Reader
I am so impressed with your enthusiasm and dedication to good food! I could keep writing you for hours explaining how much of a treasure your work is to me but I am sure you have more people to inspire and get jazzed up about the importance of good, just, sustainable, fair food production and consumption. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Saba, Fan
I respect the introspection and reflection that goes into everything you do at GFJ. It is clear why the organization is so authentic, beautiful, and connected. 
Janet, GFJ Newsletter Reader