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this job's deadline has passed
This job expired on May 17, 2024

Farm Intern Thistle Whistle Farm

  • Date Posted March 18, 2024
  • Location Hotchkiss, CO
  • Category Agriculture / Education
  • Job type Summer Job
Company description Thistle Whistle Farm feeds its local community with a diversity of vegetables, herbs, and other foods, while providing meaningful farm experiences to kids and adults.

We have dairy goats, chickens, ducks and bees, in addition to a surprising mix of entertaining and delicious vegetables and herbs, and we host field trips and workshops to help expand and strengthen our local food system. Internship description We're looking for someone who wants to live life on a farm for a season, experiencing the meaningful work of growing great food and being a part of a thriving community. We need someone who does the work a farm requires: weeding, milking, harvesting, planting, and selling at markets, along with helping interpret the farm to visitors, from kindergarteners to seniors.

Farm life includes a travel trailer to live in, outdoor shared covered kitchen, and hot and cold running water with outdoor shower.

We provide the setting and the experiences, along with farm housing and food from the farm, and we expect you to throw yourself into the work a farm requires, working alongside the current farm staff who will provide training, instruction and guidance. Compensation this position is : hourly, $15-20/hr
Application instructions
This job expired on May 17, 2024
DeadlineMay 10, 2024

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